From crock pot classics to air fryer trends, I've written plenty about a good Super Bowl spread. But what about the aftermath?
Even before the cost of groceries became anxiety-inducing, I always hated the thought of wasting food. Before sustainability became a trend, I did what chefs did: use everything, waste nothing.
The classic foods in a Super Bowl spread can be transformed into a variety of dishes, which can carry you through the week. Use discretion of course, since no one should repurpose certain types of food that have been sitting out in room temperature for too long. But below are a few money-saving, earth-friendly, scrumptious dishes made from classic Super Bowl snacks.
Leftover chips
Crush leftover chips to make a perfect bottom layer for any casserole. They soak up all the butter and juices, and add a salty crunch to the bottom. Crushed tortilla chips are great for Mexican-style casseroles, with beans, cheese, jalapenos and olives. Crushed potato chips are just as good, and can make a light, panko-style topping for your casserole.
Leftover hot wings
Pull all the chicken off the bone, and set aside. We'll get to that in a moment. First, place the bones in a giant stock pot with water, and simmer on low for hours - the more hours the better. Once you've shut the stove off and the liquid has cooled to room temperature, strain into mason jars, leaving a bit of room at the top of the jar, since frozen liquids expand. Label the jars and line them in the freezer. This chicken stock will come in handy when making a warming winter soup.

With the leftover chicken, discard any undesirable parts, such as fat and skin, and use the chicken any way you'd like. Baked into a buffalo chicken dip, chopped and mixed with mayo, celery, onion and herbs for a chicken salad, or tossed into a chicken noodle soup. The possibilities are endless.
Leftover crudité
Leftover vegetables from a veggie tray, or the celery and carrots that come with hot wings needn't get tossed. They may have been sitting out for a bit, so freshen them up real quick in cold water, and chop them up. They can be used in a vegetable soup, for a cold winter's day. They can also be juiced for a healthy drink, or steamed as a side dish.
Leftover Fruit
Sometimes a charcuterie board is studded with fruit. Sometimes the fruit comes in kabobs. No matter how you ended up with handfuls of berries, wash thoroughly in a strainer and freeze. Just like that. It can all go into a smoothie. One day.
Those are the big hitters, but most things can simply be frozen, such as grilled hot dogs, cubed cheese, pulled pork, eggrolls, biscuits. You may be sick of looking at that spinach artichoke dip now, but seal it into a container and toss it in the freezer. It will become a hail Mary on a busy weeknight, when you just don't have it in you to cook.
May whatever team you are rooting for win. Even more importantly, I hope your Super Bowl party has a strong spread game.
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