Grapefruit mint pops, because summer's not over!

I know. I know I know I know. It’s mid-August and I should be covering back-to-school stuff. I should be getting you excited about fall. I should mention pumpkin spice.

But this is the time of year I have trouble looking ahead. Sure, when it’s winter I’m planning my garden and spring break, because, well, winter is the worst.

homemade popsicles

When I sense the end of the summer encroaching, I grasp on for dear life. Sure, the humidity is oppressive, but it disappears when when you’re standing in the ocean, or on a spontaneous ice cream outing after dinner.

In the spirit of white-knuckling August, I’ll share a homemade popsicle recipe, as I do every summer. Not only might your garden be bursting with fruit, herbs and more, but popsicles are prepared foods. Perhaps you can prepare a bunch as an after-school snack. See what I did there? I tried to tie in fall.

citrus squeezer and grapefruit

I’m a real sucker for herbs and citrus – it’s the stuff of summer cocktail dreams. And it makes the most refreshing popsicles. My husband brought home a bag of grapefruit, and much like it is when you buy produce from Costco, you develop a grim determination to finish it before it goes bad. But I couldn’t keep up.

So I juiced six grapefruit, then ventured into my yard for a handful of fresh mint. I ground the mint super fine in a food processor, and mixed it in with the grapefruit juice, along with simple syrup. That’s it – just three ingredients. I then poured the mixture into popsicle molds, available at Ladles and Linens. They’re so handy: sustainable, costs less money in the long run, and promotes healthier snacking.

I’m not providing a formal recipe because I’m winging it. The more homemade popsicles you make, the more comfortable you get with playing around. It’s more or less six ruby red grapefruit, a handful of chopped fresh-picked mint, and a few glugs of simple syrup.

When you pour the mixture into the molds, don't worry about the mint settling to the bottom. When it's chopped fresh, the oils release, flavoring the whole batch. What’s a glug? I don’t know but I can confirm that once these three ingredients are mixed in a bowl, you should grab a spoon and give it a taste. If it’s not delicious melted, it’s not going to get better being frozen!

The sweet syrup tempers the tartness, and the mint keeps it fresh. I brought one to a mini tanning session in my back yard, and it was so refreshing. Enjoy one on the porch swing during a late afternoon thunder shower. And hold on tight, because before you know it, the Starbucks cups will be red again.

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