It's here: The unofficial start to summer!

It's been a soggy week across Virginia. I've been leaning into it, with hot tea and honey under weighted blankets. Melancholy tends to look so romantic in the movies (think Margot Tenenbaum) - but me eating dumplings in front of a Friends marathon just isn't the look.

It's been raining for so long that one storm could push us into flood territory. I'm beginning to fetishize sunlight. After all, we're being served ads featuring pool parties; the dance pop throbbing as twenty-somethings float across the screen on inflated flamingoes. I know they're just hyping the latest spiked seltzer...but I want to go to there.

Fayeruz Regan in Joshua Tree, California

By the time you read this, it will be Sunday, and if the forecast stays the course: warm and sunny! Don't you dare waste this opportunity. The unofficial start to summer has arrived!

Memorial Day is of course supposed to be a somber remembrance, but making it a three day weekend at the height of spring fever? I'm trying my best here. There's but a small window of time before we get gobsmacked by humidity.

Whether you're leaving for a weekend trip or hanging back at home, soak up that sun. If you're athletic, go on a hike. If you'd rather be inside playing video games, go on a hike. Enjoy your meal outdoors. You can fluff up your outdoor cushions, plug in some twinkly lights and fire up a citronella candle to warm up your space.

 Photographer looks at sunset

It's practically a Memorial Day tradition to fire up your grill. So give it a good scraping, treat yourself to some brand new gadgets and crack open a cold one. May your meat be slightly charred and your drinks cold and citrusy. We got through winter and a soggy spring, and you're ready for the kind of sunshine that will make your questionable moles even more questionable.

Have a great summer. 



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