Soup is hygge in a bowl, and warms you from the inside out. But this soup...this soup is life-affirming. One sip and your shoulders drop, releasing tension. You will sink into your chair. You will close your eyes just to taste it better. It's that kind of soup.

It's coconut curry butternut squash soup and I have yet to make a cute, shorter name for it. Then again, the names of quality dishes always seem to get longer and longer. Seriously. Look at this recipe name in Food & Wine, and it's just a cocktail!
But I digress. Get ready for the warm and fuzzy. This recipe is a snap.Â

- 1 large butternut squash
- 1 large onion (or 3 shallots)
- 1/8 cup butter
- 1 can of coconut milk
- 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
- 2 teaspooons of curry powder (to start - add to taste)
- 1 teaspoon of salt (to start - add to taste)
- Black pepper to taste

- Peel squash
- Slice it in half lengthwise, and scoop out seeds
- Chop into cubes (any size)
- Drop into boiling salt water and cook until a fork can smoothly slide into a cube
- While the squash is cooking, dice onions and cook them in butter until translucent, put aside
- Drain sqash cubes through a strainer
- Once drained, place them back into the pot
- Add in all of the other ingredients, including pan of onions with butter
- Use an immersion blender to smooth the contents into a puree
- Season to taste
And there you have it! If you don't have an immersion blender, you can do the same thing in a blender or Vitamix. But the result will be creamy, decadent, and delicious. Fall colors will be more vibrant, and you may have just found a new side dish for Thanksgiving.
Bon appetit!
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